Montclair State University2 Carleton College2 The University of British Columbia1 Queen's University1 McGill University1 University of Shanghai for Science and Technology1 Cities United States56 New York City Metropolitan Area32 New York, United States27 ...
Montclair State University Public $35,028 $44,388 New Jersey City University Public $36,289 $47,206 New Jersey Institute of Technology Public $41,352 $58,264 Princeton University Private $84,040 $84,040 Rabbi Jacob Joseph School Private $22,600 $22,600 Rabbinical College of America Private...
“We have found that the best way for us to cut costs was to have the kids move off campus,’’ says Corinne Connor of Montclair, N.J., who has one child in law school and another in college. “The combined rent and food costs are considerable lower than dorm and cafeteria costs.”...