Waste-to-energyPURPAAvoided-cost pricingThis paper examines the role of the 1978 federal Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) in shaping the economic feasibility and regional distribution of waste-to-energy plants (WEPs) in the USA. PURPA marked a watershed in US energy policy by ...
Waste minimization can take on different forms. Recycling, reuse, composting, and salvaging material are included in one category; source reduction, using recycled products, and controlling the material to reduce final waste is another. Combustion of excess materials in waste-to-energy plants is a ...
Clark BJ, Rogoff MJ (2010) Economic Feasibility of a plasma arc gasification plant. In: 18th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference. City of Marion Ducharme C (2017) Technical and economic analysis of Plasma-assisted Waste-to-Energy processes. Columbia University, Columbia, Earth Enginee...
y for large plants with nitrogen and phosphorus removal. In low income countries of the Danube and Black Sea catchment areas they are at a maximum 30% lower than in Austria. However, the incomes in countries like Bulgaria, Romania or Ukraine are 85% to 90% lower. The total annual costs ...
In summary, one recipe for lower-cost energy delivery is to seek higher concentration and “etendue” conservation. This means that light rays need to be properly handled through the optics so that as little as possible are lost and, at the same time, to seekNIOsolutions capable of delivering...
Research of the Impact on Efficiency of Waste Vegetable and Food Processing on the Quality of the Environment in the North-East Region of Romania Calculation of economic performance indicators: net present value, economic rate of return and economic benefit/cost ratio.Keywords: quality, environmental...
In plants, macroautophagy/autophagy has been reported to function in various biotic and abiotic stress-response pathways, but few direct regulators linking stress and autophagy have yet been identified. Other than the conserved nutrient sensing kinase TOR (Target of Rapamycin), negative regulators that...
Waste reduction could be used as a measure of performance as energy efficiency and productivity often are possible legislative actions that could clarify the definition of waste reduction, spur better collection of information on waste reduction, and encourage more attention to the subject. Waste ...
Plastic usage increases year by year, and the growing trend is projected to continue. However as of 2017, only 9% of the 9 billion tons of plastic ever pro
Reducing the waste stream through incineration is very important to minimize the use of landfills and to maximize the recovery of energy. The technology of mass burn waterwall incineration was widely used in the past two decades for solving the problems of solid waste disposal. In recent years, ...