The authors' objective is to determine the effect of diagnosed Alzheimer disease (AD) on cost to Medicare of treating other diseases. Using the 1994 National Long-Term Care Survey merged with Medicare claims and death data, the authors assessed the relative cost to Medicare of covering beneficiari...
This economic analysis estimates the cost-effectiveness of dapagliflozin therapy among patients with chronic heart failure and reduced ejection fraction.
Finally, the benefits of antihypertensive drug therapy have been underestimated because of the lack of consideration of prevention of left ventricular hypertrophy or progression to more severe disease by early treatment. On the other hand, the cost per quality of life-years saved has been ...
patientsof40yearsormore.ThenetcostforCOPDpatientswas1.9billionDKK(256 millionh),6%ofthetotalannualcostsoftreatingthepopulationof40yearsormore.The grosscostrelatedtoanydiseaseandthenetcostreflectedtheresourceusewhichcouldbe attributedtoCOPDanditsrelateddiagnoses.Theincidenceofinpatienthospital admissionswasalmost...
This high disease prevalence leads to correspondingly high healthcare costs: the direct healthcare costs of treating diabetes in Canada were 28 billion Canadian dollars (Can$) in 2019 and are forecast to be Can$39 billion by 2030 [2]. In addition to healthcare costs, diabetes has a ...
The American Heart Association estimates that every 40 s someone in the United States has a stroke. This accounts for over 400 stroke deaths per day, and makes stroke the fifth leading cause of death in the United States [2]. Stroke is also the leading cause of cognitive impairment and ...
Aspirin, statins, or both drugs for the primary prevention of coronary heart disease events in men: a cost-utility analysis. Ann Intern Med. 2006;144(5):326-336. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-144-5-200603070-00007 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 37. Brandle M, Davidson MB, Sch...
In the present study, the majority of the cases of pneumonia (80%) were associated with other disorders such as infectious disorders, congenital heart disease, other respiratory disorders, protein energy malnutrition, neurological disorders, etc., which points towards the other etiologies implicated in...
Examples of the diseases or conditions requiring this type of stem cell treatment include: Crohn’s disease multiple sclerosis (MS) neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia psoriatic or rheumatoid arthritis These higher costs reflect the complexity of treating these patients and...
14 It is likely that the cost-effectiveness of AI depends on its diagnostic accuracy for the use case assumed (ie, Is it helping doctors or patients? What is the current standard of screening for the disease?), the patient population (What is the prevalence and costs of treatment for the...