To better understand the energetic cost of swimming in killer whales, total cost of transport ( COT ) was estimated from swimming speeds and respiration rates from wild adult northern resident killer whales ( Orcinus orca ) and reported values of oxygen consumption in captive whales. Respiration ...
In this study, we tested the hypothesis that plantigrade foot posture reduces the energetic cost of transport (COT) during walking in humans. When human subjects walked with their heels slightly elevated in a 'low-digitigrade' posture, COT increased by 53% above that of normal plantigrade ...
In this study, we tested the hypothesis that plantigrade foot posture reduces the energetic cost of transport (COT) during walking in humans. When human subjects walked with their heels slightly elevated in a 'low-digitigrade' posture, COT increased by 53% above that of normal plantigrade ...
However, at body-density extremes, both models predict that savings in the aided direction do not fully offset the increased COT imposed by the greater thrusting required in the hindered direction. 展开 关键词: drag buoyancy cost-of-transport swimming gait ...
We calculated subjects’ cost of transport (COT) during the steady-state portion of each condition. The BiOM records its net ankle work during each step, and we averaged this value over the last 30 steps of each condition to obtain the average net work. Our first hypothesis was that a ...
A swimming speed of 0.4meters per second (m s 1) is the minimal speed for European female silver eels to reach the spawning sites in the Sargasso Sea in time. As silver eels cease feeding when they start their oceanic migration, the cost of transport (COT) should be minimised and the ...
The contribution of anaerobic metabolism to the minimum cost of transport (COTmin; energy required to transport a unit mass over a unit distance, excluding maintenance and postural costs) was determined for the abalone Haliotis kamtschatkana. Abalone were induced to crawl in water for 6 m at ...
The minimum cost of transport (CoTmin) was determined using two methods: (1) by taking the slope of the relationship between P met (or net-P met) and U (Taylor et al. 1982); and (2) by reporting the minimum recorded value of CoTtot (or CoTnet) (Rubenson et al. 2007; Langman ...
Understanding the effects of water temperature on the swimming performance of fishes is central in understanding how fish species will respond to global climate change. Metabolic cost of transport (COT)—a measure of the energy required to swim a given distance—is a key performance parameter linked...
To determine the total cost of something by adding smaller costs together.When we cost out all the steps of our home renovation project, we knew that it was going to exceed the amount we had budgeted.The boss wants you to cost out the project before he'll sign off on it.The Finance ...