reduce the averagecost per pageoftranslation while maintaining high quality standards. 在语文领域,探求所有可用手段以减少每页译文的平均费用,同时还要维持高质量标准。 [...] in January 2005, the first voluminous draft report (see para. 28) had been ...
Define cost-of-living. cost-of-living synonyms, cost-of-living pronunciation, cost-of-living translation, English dictionary definition of cost-of-living. n. 1. The average cost of the basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and clothing. 2. Th
Membership Number: 271880 Amazon Solution Provider GTS Translation is a member of the Amazon Solution Providers network. Amazon, Amazon Global Selling and the Amazon Global Selling logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates.
average totalcost perpublication and includes the cost of all PCT activities including translation, [...] 因此,单位成本即是每件公布所需的平均总成本,其中包括 PCT 所有活动(含翻译、通知、管理等)的成本。 ...
In professional translation services, the weight-and-measure tends to be thetranslation cost per word. So if you need to translate a document, you would count the number of words in the document and multiply it by the price per word. How much is the price per word? Well, that varies fr...
Define fixed cost. fixed cost synonyms, fixed cost pronunciation, fixed cost translation, English dictionary definition of fixed cost. Noun 1. fixed cost - a periodic charge that does not vary with business volume fixed charge, fixed costs charge - the p
Pricing System:Many translation agencies won’t list prices, claiming that every project is unique. However, it’s important to know which particular pricing system they use. The most popular pricing method is per word, but you may also be charged per page, per hour or a flat fee. Each ...
Note: For Test 3 administrations, if you choose to reschedule once or more than once, in the 1-5 days window, you have to pay an additional rescheduling fee of $121. Additional costs associated with USMLE fees – ERAS support system, EVSP, CVS and Translation costs Item USMLE cost Add...
Find out translation prices and rates per word. What will it cost if you want to order a translation? Are you charged per page or word?
Define costlessly. costlessly synonyms, costlessly pronunciation, costlessly translation, English dictionary definition of costlessly. n. 1. An amount paid or required in payment for a purchase; a price. 2. The expenditure of something, such as time or l