Journal of refractive surgeryRoumeliotis G, Hutnik C (2012) A simple, reproducible, and cost effective axis marking system for toric lens implantation. J Refract Surg 28:12–13Roumeliotis GA, Hutnik CM. A simple, reproducible, and cost effective axis marking system for toric lens implantation....
This comparative, retrospective study investigated the postoperative effects of toric implantable collamer lens (TICL) surgery against those observed in patients undergoing implantable collamer lens (ICL) implantation in conjunction with limbal relaxing incisions (LRI), focusing on patients with concomitant ...
How contact lenses work to correct your vision in a different way than glasses; why the prescription is different for both. When Were Contact Lenses Invented? Contacts were invented earlier than you think, gradually over many years by many smart people. Read this history of contact lenses. ...
Figure 1. Location of the five study sites in the City of Johannesburg, South Africa. ExcEexpcetpftofrorHHoospspitiatallHHiillll,, wwhheerreeoonnlylya faewfedwwdewllinelglsinwgesrewceornenceoctnendetcoteedlecttoriceilteyc,tarlilcoittyh,earlslitoetsher sitehsahdaadccaecscsetsos etolecetlreicc...