Harold Freeman on What the Komen/Planned Parenthood Episode Says About Low-Cost Cancer ScreeningDiGiulioSarah
One recurring critique of my carefully craftedfamily six-figure budgetsoften revolves around the line item for kids' lessons or miscellaneous expenses. What's becoming increasingly apparent as my children grow older is that I may haveunderestimatedthe financial demands of parenthood. Persistent inflation...
Christine M. Willingham
The Real Cost of Abortion; Americans Deserve to Know How Planned Parenthood Uses Their Tax Dollars
Clinic Goes beyond Just Planned Parenthood; Preventive Services at Low Cost Emphasized for Those in NeedByline: Beth Reese Cravey The newly opened medical clinic on Jacksonville's Southside offers...Cravey, Beth Reese
Trump Action on Health Care Could Cost Planned ParenthoodWASHINGTON - One of President-elect Donald Trump's first, anddefining, acts next year could come...Taylor, Andrew