Either way the DM has a method by which to reward the characters with something which opens up more spells. When you break down the economics or the price requirement on spells you can clearly see this doesn't stack up. If you're in a region where prices are higher because a lack of ...
I don't know if there is a RAW listing of the price of water. The thing is, there are so many skills / spells that are provided to players to find or conjure up a source of water that the game's designers simply assumed that in the Forgotten Realms setting, water is too cheap to...
They will learn spells and potions and rank up but wont gain points per level thus cannot allocate them to perks.Other than that... Its awesome! 😀👍 Like 0 Reply aidans1985 to aidans19856 years ago Update: its not the mod that causes the problem, its when you play on fast ...