Although the cost of revenue factors in many costs associated with sales, it does not take into account the indirect costs, such as salaries paid to managers. The costs considered part of the cost of revenue include a multitude of items, such as thecost of labor, commission, materials, and...
答案 Total operating expenses 营业费用总额 cost of revenue 主营业务成本 营业费用总额当然包括主营业务成本啦~ revenue 收入 operating expenses 营业成本/费用 cost of revenue 主营业务成本 Research and developme... 相关推荐 1外国财务报表,请你们翻译一下,Total operating expenses是什么意思,怎么包含cost of ...
1、意思:Total operating expenses 营业费用总额 2、营业费用总额 包含 cost of revenue (主营业务成本)营业成本:包括主营业务成本和其他业务成本。工业企业产品生产成本(也称制造成本)的构成主要包括: 直接材料,直接工资,其他直接支出,制造费用。营业税金及附加:建设税、资源税和教育费附加等相关...
Several other accounting concepts are similar to COGS, but each is different in its own way. Two of the most commonly confused terms are “cost of revenue” and “operating expenses.” Here’s how they differ: Cost of revenue vs. COGS: Cost of revenue is most often used by service...
Total operating expenses 营业费用总额 cost of revenue 主营业务成本 营业费用总额当然包括主营业务成本啦~ revenue 收入operating expenses 营业成本/费用 cost of revenue 主营业务成本 Research and development 研发成本 Sales and marketing 销售成本 General and administrative 管理成本Total operating expenses 营业费...
Also referred to as “cost of sales”, COGS includes the cost of materials and labor directly related to the production of retail products. COGS differs from operating expenses, which include costs like rent, utilities, and marketing, and from cost of revenue, which includes order fulfillment ...
Also referred to as “cost of sales”, COGS includes the cost of materials and labor directly related to the production of retail products. COGS differs from operating expenses, which include costs like rent, utilities, and marketing, and from cost of revenue, which includes order fulfillment ...
Let’s say you have revenue of $50,000 for the quarter. Subtract your COGS of $18,000 from $50,000. Gross Profit = $50,000 – $18,000 Your gross profit for the period is $32,000. Importance of COGS in business So, why is your cost of goods sold so important to your business...
Gross Profit =Revenue–Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) The gross profit helps determine the portion of revenue that can be used for operating expenses (OpEx) as well as non-operating expenses likeinterest expenseand taxes. In addition, the gross profit of a company can be divided by revenue to ...
COS includes not only the direct costs of goods sold but also other costs directly related to generating revenue, such as direct labor and direct overhead. Essentially, COS encompasses a broader range of expenses than COGS, as it may include additional costs associated with delivering the product...