What is the cost of a PET CT Scan in different cities in India? The cost of aPET CT Scanvaries across cities in India. In Delhi, it ranges from Rs. 8900 to Rs. 25000, in Mumbai, it's Rs. 9999, in Hyderabad, it's Rs. 9900, and in Bangalore, it's Rs. 12992. The cost may...
CT scan/CAT scan MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) Gallium scan PET (positron emission tomography) scan Laboratory tests: Blood tests and urine tests What are the types of Lymphoma? There are two types of lymphoma: Hodgkin lymphoma (HL, also called Hodgkin's disease) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma ...
CT scan: To find the location of the tumor and the extent to which it may have spread in the body. PET scan: To determine the location and extent of cancer in the pancreas and other body parts. Ultrasound: To visualize the cancer mass in the pancreas. Biopsy: To confirm the presence ...