drones Article Unleashing the Potential of Morphing Wings: A Novel Cost Effective Morphing Method for UAV Surfaces, Rear Spar Articulated Wing Camber Emre Ozbek 1, Selcuk Ekici 2,* and T. Hikmet Karakoc 3,4 1 UAV Technology and Operations Program, Eskis¸ehir Technical University, Eskis¸...
International Journal of Geo-Information Article Accuracy Improvement of DGPS for Low-Cost Single-Frequency Receiver Using Modified Flächen Korrektur Parameter Correction Jungbeom Kim 1, Junesol Song 1, Heekwon No 1, Deokhwa Han 1, Donguk Kim 1, Byungwoon Park 2,* and Changdon Kee 1,* ...
FFigiguurere44..SSiiggnnaall aannaallyyssiiss fflloowwcchhaarrtt.. Sensors 2016, 16, 1266 7 of 16 4.3.1. Energy Criterion The energy criterion describes AE signals predominantly characterized by the variation of the frequency spectrum and energy content. Furthermore, this criterion is a ...