StudentsmaywishtoprintoutaTuitionandCostofLivingEstimateworksheetfortheirownreference,buttheOISSwillacceptonlythose completedformsthatarefaxedorsentviainterofficemailtotheOISSbytheprogramoradmissionoffice. Forfurtherinformationonbillingandpayment, TuitionandCost...
In my own English lessons, I use a variety of digital tools that I've known for years, and others I discovered since the beginning of this academic year. One of the benefits of using media in the classroom is that the students don't have to take my word for it. Videos, photos, and...
The CFA Team provides the needed support for parents as they homeschool their kids. They have continuing formation program for parents both spiritual and academic through recollections, workshops, seminars and trainings. They also do monitoring of students’ performance and provide...