CountryCost Of Living Index Albania37.4 Algeria27.6 Argentina31.2 Armenia40.8 Australia75.3 Austria66.0 Azerbaijan28.9 Bahrain52.7 Bangladesh26.6 Belarus35.4 Belgium65.6 Bosnia And Herzegovina35.1 Brazil34.7 Bulgaria40.5 Cambodia44.5 Canada66.1 Chile44.1
By Country : Cost of Living Index, Rent Index, Restaurant Prices Index, Transportation Price Index, Grocery Price Index, Local Purchasing Power Index, ...
Cost of Living Index (Current, By City)New York,NYPragueSydneyLondonBerlinBeijingDelhiRio deJaneiroTokyo0255075100 Recent prices added: Apartment (3 bedrooms) Outside of Centre inCairocosts 50,000.00EG£(about 5 minutes ago) Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax) inChittagongis 20,000.00৳...
Date & Last Updated: This data reflects 2020 and was released fromStatistics Canada. The cost of living index is based on a national average of 100. For example, if the cost of living is 90, then it is 10% lower than average. If the cost of living is 110, then it is 10% higher...
Toronto is the most expensive city in Canada (1 out of 4) Cost of living in Toronto is more expensive than in 67% of cities in N. America (9 out of 24) Cost of living in Toronto is more expensive than in 89% of cities in the World (17 out of 151) What...
Cost of Living comparisons for thousands of cities. Fully up-to-date cost of living comparisons, including prices of 52 products and services.
End of interactive chart. The cost of living in California varies depending on the city you live in. The priciest city in California is Sunnyvale, where the cost of living is62%highercompared to the state average and125%higherthan in the rest of the U.S. The cheapest major city in Calif...
The paper computes the approximate true cost of living indexes from the time series data on price and quantity of nine broadly defined goods and services to show that the cost of living increased faster for the rich in Canada during the three decades. This is due mainly to an increase in ...
Date & Last Updated: This data reflects 2020 and was released fromStatistics Canada. The cost of living index is based on a national average of 100. For example, if the cost of living is 90, then it is 10% lower than average. If the cost of living is 110, then it is 10% higher...
We compare the costs of rent, utilities and internet in China, Canada, Australia, the USA and the UK. You're a citizen of the world. You can go anywhere, be anything. So how do you decide where to go, what to be? Program selection and campus culture are important, bu...