Official sources and on-the-ground experiences tell different stories about the cost of living in Qatar. The 2024 Mercer Cost of Living City Ranking places the capital, Doha, at 121st out of 226 cities surveyed, placing it well below other major cities in the region, such as Dubai and Riy...
Full cost of living comparison of Doha vs Shanghai. Prices and comparisons for the whole range of expenses: food, housing, going out, etc. Updated on Feb 2025.
Rankings: Cost of Living Index, Restaurant Prices Index, Transportation Price Index, Grocery Price Index, Local Purchasing Power Index, ...
Cost of Living Index Rent Index Cost of Living Plus Rent Index Groceries Index Restaurant Price Index Local Purchasing Power Index 1 Zurich, Switzerland 102.2 58.2 82.7 101.3 101.3 162.5 2 New York, NY, United States 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3 Lausanne, Switzerland 100.0 42.3 74.3 10...
Your city is not here?Tell us about cost of living in your city! Your browser does not support charts× Recent prices added: Banana (1kg) inLisboncosts 1.19€(about 15 seconds ago) Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre inViennacosts 700.00€(about 2 minutes ago) ...
76 DOHA Qatar 77 MUNICH Germany 78 ATLANTA United States 79 DAKAR Senegal 80 MANILA Philippines 81 PANAMA CITY Panama 82 MUMBAI India 83 SEATTLE United States 84 STOCKHOLM Sweden 85 ABERDEEN United Kingdom 86 LUXEMBOURG Luxembourg 86 BRUSSELS Belgium 88 FRANKFURT Germany 88 HO CHI MINH CITY Viet...
Today, Mercer announced the results of its 2023 Cost of Living Survey with New York City remaining the most expensive city in North America for expatriates, ranking 6th worldwide, while Hong Kong retained the top spot globally out of 227 cities from across five continents. The survey found tha...
This graphic compares the cost of living and purchasing power of 578 cities worldwide, using New York City as a benchmark for comparison.
Until you compare it with the cost of living there, of course. When we compare the cost of one month of tuition in an international school in Shanghai with the cost of the typical monthly rent there ($2,027), we can see that it would be 137% - more expensive than rent by a huge...
With recent global economic events continuing to reverberate, Canadian cities have become slightly more affordable relative to others around the world, according to the 2023 Mercer Cost of Living survey