1983. The cost of living, labor market op- portunities, and the migration decision: More on problems of misspecification and aggregation bias. Annals of Regional Science 17(1): 98-110.Renas, S. 1978. The cost of living, labor market oppor- tunities, and the migration decision. Annals ...
This chapter focuses on indices that can be considered good approximations to the functional or true cost-of-living index derived from demand theory. Most official cost-of-living indices are Laspeyres indices. They use as weights the average budget shares of some base period. The criterion that ...
Cost-of-Living Adjustments in Union-Management Agreements, by R.H. Ferguson, New-York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Bulletin 65, 1976, 71 pp.. Un article de la revue Relations industrielles (Volume 32, numéro 4, 1977, p. 483-665) diffusée par la plateforme Érudit...
I present and test the hypothesis that the cost of living (COL) positively influences the labor force participation (LFP) of married women. Based on housing values and regional variables, I first predict COL for a sample of 150 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) using a smaller subsample for...
Provide two reasons that an increase in the CPI might overstate how much more expensive it is to maintain the current standard of living. Why do wealthy people live in places with such high cost of living? Why are developing countries, like India, always in the st...
By using Salary.com'sCost of Living Calculator, you can make a cost of living comparison of theConsumer Price Index(CPI) andsalary differentialsof over 300+ US cities. Let us help you make an informed decision about what it will cost to live and work in the city of your dreams!
Thus, the change would result in lower cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) for Social Security beneficiaries and for federal civilian and military retirees, and would also lead to an increase in federal taxes. Although this provision was... AH Munnell,WM Hisey - 《Issues in Brief》 被引量: ...
This paper addresses the problem of constructing a monthly (or annual) consumer price or cost of living index given that there are seasonal fluctuations for important product groups. Strongly seasonal products are available only at certain times of year. Weakly seasonal products are available all yea...
females of two different orangutan species at two study sites: Suaq, Sumatra (Pongo abelii), and Tuanan, Borneo (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii). Female association frequency with both males and females was higher in the Sumatran population, living in more productive habitat. Accordingly, we found that...
Cost of Living:The cost of living refers to the monetary aspects needed to maintain the normal standards of living by affording the necessary expenses. They include the likes of affording taxes, housing, food, and healthcare.Answer and Explanation: The cost of living in Indonesia is so high,...