Our podcast is back as we look at three new reports that detail the impact of the cost of living crisis on students. Is there more that universities can do as governments continue to ignore the issue? We also discuss Horizon, research security and foreign policy, and the question of gatheri...
The impact of the increase in the National Living Wage (NLW) on labour costs in 2024 is forecast to hit UK hotels, particularly in the regions. This will put the spotlight once again on the need for top line growth and smarter cost control to maintain or improve profitability. The figures...
A government-funded vaccination policy could not only ease influenza burden by improving vaccine uptake, but could also increase public trust in vaccines. Importantly, a cost-effectiveness evaluation is needed to inform decision-makers of whether to publicly fund influenza vaccination at the national an...
Australia's energy crisis, Australian power prices, Britain energy policy, California energy crisis, California renewable energy transition, Cost of subsidised wind power, Enel Oklahoma wind farm shutdown, Infrasound wind turbines, Nuclear power support, Renewable energy power rationing, wind power cost...
In a bid to find out, the researchers drew on Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) national stats for 27member countriesfor the period 2000 to 2019, which included theglobal financial crisisof 2008. The 27 countries were: Australia; Austria; Belgium; Canada; Czech Repub...
Cut the earth’s population by 90% and you cut emissions. The part of the plan not talked about. Once fossil fuels are outlawed all it takes is a cold snap with no wind or sun to solve the population crisis we were so worried about 60 years ago. ...
As Willis says the numbers are important but not one of the promoters for stuff we don’t need appears to understand arithmetic and why it matters. The same goes for gas boilers. of residual atmospheric Co2 whilst all electricity generation in the UK equates to 0.00004% of residual Co2. On...
The table below shows the cost of living crisis has affected the savings habits of women and men in the UK. [table id=20 /] Source: NerdWallet UK, August 2022 Breakdown of answers when asked: “When planning for the future have you stopped paying into, or reduced the amount going into...
The table below shows the cost of living crisis has affected the savings habits of women and men in the UK. [table id=20 /] Source: NerdWallet UK, August 2022 Breakdown of answers when asked: “When planning for the future have you stopped paying into, or reduced the amount going into...