Obviously, not having to pay for the land was an enormous incentive. The house cost us around 1.5 million baht to build, of which my wonderful mother-in-law chipped in a million, leaving my wife and I to pay off the balance. We are eternally grateful to her because we didn't have ...
which left me scared of visiting dentists. Now, in my early thirties, I did everything to avoid dental checks. I also gave up on having cavity-free teeth. Two years ago, I was forced to find a..."-Rukmini
Stacking boxes while running amok with a balloon tethered to your belt is also allowed. The best Christmas (for me) ever was the year my parents refrigerator died. The cost of a kaput fridge over the holidays must have been horrible (for them), but the box the appliance came in was mag...
Obviously, not having to pay for the land was an enormous incentive. The house cost us around 1.5 million baht to build, of which my wonderful mother-in-law chipped in a million, leaving my wife and I to pay off the balance. We are eternally grateful to her because we didn't have ...