Buruli ulcer (BU), a neglected tropical skin disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, has been reported in over 30 countries worldwide and is highly endemic in rural West and Central Africa. The mode of transmission remains unknown and treatment is the
Can grapefruit juice decrease the cost of imatinib for the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia?Hypereosinophilic syndromeFIP1L1-PDGFRANilotinibKimura S, Kako S, Wada H, Sakamoto K, Ashizawa M, Sato M, Terasako K, Kikuchi M, Nakasone H, Okuda S, Yamazaki R, Oshima K, Nishida J, ...
CONCLUSION We have shown that authentication schemes using coupons must have a specific treatment, taking into account the possibility of performing fraudulent computations before and during the authentication process. We have given evidence that very short coupons (50 bits and even 32 bits) may be ...
Besides, the surface porosity is reduced with the impregnation by the treatment of the concrete, and the surface strength is increased. With the impregnation technique, the pores and capillaries are partially or totally...
In literature, several authors have addressed the simulation or model-based optimization of membrane-based processes for gas separation in several applications, such as gas natural treatment ([7,10,12]), CO2 capture ([6,13–15]), and H2 separation ([9,16,17]). For instance, Xu et al....
This waste residue is rich in lignocellulosic polysaccharides that have been reported to be responsible for metal ion binding in lignocellulosic adsorbents used in wastewater treatment [2]. Thus, this work is designed to provide an environmentally friendly outlet for the utilization of these materials ...