Get the most up-to-date information on the financial impact of data breaches.Safeguard your data, people, infrastructure and your organization’s bottom line. WebinarCost of a Data Breach 2024: Top insights, AI impact and risk reduction best practices.Watch now Watch this video breakdown of key...
Adopting security AI and automation can cut breach costs USD 4.88M The global average cost of a data breach in 2024—a 10% increase over last year and the highest total ever. 1 in 3 Share of breaches that involved shadow data, showing the proliferation of data is making it harder to tra...
As of 2024, the average cost of a data breach in the United States amounted to 9.36 million U.S. dollars, down from 9.48 million U.S. dollars in the previous year. The global average cost per data breach was 4.88 million U.S. dollars in 2024. Cost of a data breach in different co...
The cost of a data breach in 2024 has clocked the biggest year-on-year increase since the pandemic, but companies that useartificial intelligence(AI) tools are mitigating some of the financial damage from the fallout. The global average cost of a data security breach now clocks in at $4...
from March 2023 to February 2024, the average cost of a data breach globally reached an all-time high of $4.88 million. This figure represents a 10% increase over the same period ending February 2023 and a 26.4% rise from 2018. Over the course of the past decade, data breach costs have...
MF: Let’s talk about cost. What was the average cost of a data breach in 2024? TB:The average cost is $4.88 million globally. The report’s pretty extensive. We break it down by country so you can look to see if there’s anything regional or impactful in the particular countries in...
from March 2023 to February 2024, the average cost of a data breach globally reached an all-time high of $4.88 million. This figure represents a 10% increase over the same period ending February 2023 and a 26.4% rise from 2018. Over the course of the past decade, data breach costs have...
As of February 2024, the global average cost per data breach amounted to 4.88 million U.S. dollars, an increase from 4.45 million U.S. dollars in the previous year. The average cost of a data breach varied across sectors, with the highest average cost in the healthcare industry. ...
Key Finding #1: The average cost of a data breach reached a record high in 2023, but security investments at organizations are divided.# The average cost of data breaches has been rising almost steadily since 2017. In 2017, the average cost was "merely" $3.62M. In 2023, it reached an ...
The article reports on the increase by 2.5 percent of the per-record cost incidents of data breaches, which would amount to $202 per compromised record in 2008 in the U.S. For health care companies, it notes that breaches are very costly, with the average health care record breach costing...