Biaya Modal (Cost of Capital):用模态 BiayaModal(CostofCapital):用模态 WeightedAverageCostofCapital (WACC)•UntukmenghitungbiayamodalkitamenggunakanWACC •WACCadalahrata-ratatertimbangdariseluruhkomponenmodal •Komponenmodalygseringdipakaiadalah:sahambiasa,sahampreferen,utang,labaditahan •Seluruh...
WACC is a measurement indicator that describes capital financing in a company. If the movement of shares is higher, the WACC value is not good in the company because the burden increases, the WACC value that the company has must be smaller so that the company can carry out its obligations,...
3. BEP can be used for planning the normal selling price, ie the selling price of a product that can help the company achieve the desired profit target.4 BEP can be used in the selection of production methods (labor intensive or capital intensive) .5 BEP can be used to close the ...
The impact of corporate governance, capital structure, company size, and assets structure on financial performance: a study on the corporate governance per... The purpose of the study is to examine the impact of corporate governance, capital structure, company size, and assets structure on financia...