in this case the platinum-cobalt alloy) by using dimethylamine borane (DMAB) as the reducing agent (a substance that donates electrons to another one in a chemical reaction). This precursor was heated to a high temperature in an environment of hydrogen and argon...
The precious metal platinum is a key catalyst for the chemical reactions at the heart of the next generation of more compact, high-performing hydrogen fuel cells. But platinum’s high cost is preventing widespread adoption of this technology. Researchers, however, have devised a nano-scaled...
In all, 50 mL 0.1 M Na2S2 + 1 M NaOH solution was circulating in the anode chamber, 50 mL 1 M NaOH in the intermediate chamber, argon gas was circulating in the cathode chamber to mimic the real battery operation condition. All pumps were operating at 50 mL ...
Krypton gas-filled panes –Triple-paned windows have less spacing between panes and cannot accommodate the density of argon gas. Therefore, manufacturers will fill the gaps between the three pains with krypton gas for added insulation. These windows are the most expensive option but provide the gre...
However, the main gases, argon and hydrogen, are not destroyed by the process and have the potential to be recycled and thus used many times. We have operated a plasma torch at 72 kW, with a gas recycling loop that reclaims 85% of the flow. The loop is designed to minimize the ...
NET Power transforms natural gas into clean energy through our patented oxy-combustion process. Click through the steps of the NET Power Cycle below to learn more. Step 1 Air Separation:The NET Power Cycle begins by separating air into its components (including oxygen, argon, and nitrogen) ...
To be exact, the air contains around 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and up to 1% total of water vapors and other gases such as carbon dioxide, neon, argon, and hydrogen. While nitrogen makes up more than three-quarters of the air on its own, the presence of other gases can have a ...
Replacing krypton gas-filled glass can cost anything from $525 to $1,190. Krypton gas is more costly than argon, but because it is dense, it provides superior insulation. It saves energy and is most useful when the gap between the panes is less than a quarter of an inch. ...
Most also have the option of a low-E coating. If you want more efficient windows, you can also get your garden window with triple-pane glass, spectrally selective coatings, or fill the glass with argon or krypton gas. Remember that you can layer different effects. For example, you can ...
With gas-filled glass, argon or krypton gas is sandwiched in between the panes. This provides for much greater insulation than simply air alone. They can help to improve U-value, which minimizes the heat exchange through the window. They are ideal for all climates and help reduce condensation...