The total cost of a divorce lawyer will depend on multiple factors. We won’t be able to quote a specific price range since each divorce case is unique. However, in uncontested divorce, where both parties agree on significant terms, costs can range from $1,000 to $3,000. However, if ...
Putting the fee arrangement in writing is the ideal mode of communication. With this being said, lawyers typically charges a flat fee for the following services: Filing a petition for expungement Filing an uncontested divorce Filing immigration petitions Drafting a will Reviewing contracts Drafting ...
Different types of divorce will cost different amounts. Henceforth, their complexity and the time needed to devote to the case. An uncontested divorce will always cost less than acontested divorcebecause both parties agree (ultimately) on all aspects in an uncontested divorce. The price of a con...
Division of property How debt will be divided An uncontested divorce offers benefits to couples that contested divorces do not. In some states, if you agree to all the terms of your divorce, you may never have to step inside a courtroom. In other states, you still have to go to court,...
Divorce is one of the biggest legal milestones in a person’s life. An accomplished attorney can guide you through the process so that you are able to move on to the next chapter of your life. When agreed upon by both parties involved, an uncontested divorce is often more peaceful,...
as well as a much better outcome. Our Divorce With Dignity mediation process will get you through conflict resolution and on to reach peaceful agreements. We will process all of your divorce papers, take you through our child support calculator, and get your uncontested divorce finalized with the...
UNCONTESTED DIVORCE An uncontested simple divorce is quicker and less expensive than a contested divorce; our attorneys are here to make the process easy and satisfactory for both parties. CONTESTED DIVORCE When marriage doesn't go the way you planned, it is our goal to provide you with both ...
Providing legal representation for clients seeking uncontested divorces at a minimal fee. The service we provide is targeted specifically for spouses who are interested in pursuing a complete and final divorce in the most cost-effective, efficient, and hassle-free way. It is because the parties hav...
Choosing Your Divorce Process One of the most expensive aspects of divorce is litigation, which is necessary when couples cannot come to an out-of-court agreement regarding property division, child custody, or alimony. Fortunately, it is possible for divorcing parties to avoid trial and to settle...
Attorney fees will make up the biggest part of your bill when divorcing in Missouri. Typical rates are $300 to $350 an hour. A complex divorce may take 100 hours, meaning a legal bill of $30,000. Some firms offer fixed rates for uncontested divorces in