ßi = the beta value of the investment, a measure of the systematic risk of the investment E(rm) = the return from the market Essentially, the equation is saying that the required return depends on the risk of an investment. The starting point for the rate of retu...
“饶了我吧,小祖宗!你知道这些东西有多贵吗?” 14. Splitting the price six ways had still cost them each a bundle. 即使把价钱平摊成6份,每人也还是要花一大笔钱。 15. Those figures might not even cover the cost of breakages. 那笔钱甚至都不够赔偿破损费。©...
of input height 3, 1, and 0.6 mm with the theoretical dimensional of the needle outlined; d input 4:1 aspect ratio needles with heights ranging from 3 to 0.2 mm (marked by an “x” is the theoretical input height); e output-to-input height ratio; f output-to-input needle ...
意义:cost指的是购买或制造某物所需的费用或资源。它可以是货币支付或努力或牺牲的代价。 例句:The cost of the new car is $30,000. price 意义:price指的是卖方要求买方支付的货币金额,以换取某物或服务。它通常是在市场上设定的。 例句:The price of the house is $500,000. ___ 意义:payment是指为...
Cost of living in Hercules, CA is 173, compared to the national average of 100. See a full report that includes the average cost of groceries, goods and services, health care, housing and utilities.
一、“at the cost of”的基本含义 “at the cost of”这个短语的基本含义是“以……为代价”,表示为了得到某种东西或者实现某种目标,必须付出某种代价。这个代价可以是物质的,也可以是精神上的,甚至可以是生命上的。例如: - The company expanded rapidly, but at the cost of quality control.公司迅速扩张,但...
This article presents an application of Six Sigma to reduce supplier quality cost in manufacturing industry. Although there is a wider acceptance of Six Sigma in many organizations today, there is still a lack of in-depth case study of Six Sigma. For the present research the case study methodo...
The authors present a dynamic model of an agent's decision to purchase or sell a good under the following conditions: uncertainty, irreversibility, and learning over time. As the authors show, an agent's willingness-to-pay (WTP) is influenced by both the intrinsic value of the good and the...