Several factors can influence the cost of mold removal. Understanding these factors can help you make informed decisions when hiring a mold remediation professional. Factors Affecting Mold Removal Cost Description Location of Mold Growth Attic, basement, bathroom, air duct/HVAC, crawl space, drywall,...
If the area is a small one, you canremove the mold yourselfwith just a few dollars worth of cleaning supplies. If you’re concerned about breathing the spores, you can get a respirator, which will cost from around $25 for a simple over the mouth and nose version, to around $150 for ...
In determining how much it costs to rent an RV, you should also consider the cost of kitchen utensils (pots, pans, etc.) and bedding. If the RV rental company provides those items, there will be a fee; however, you usually have the option of bringing your own utensils and bedding. In...