A tall and heavy person is not able to fit in the CT scanner. MRI may be a better option when detailed information is required. CT Scan uses X-Rays which may be harmful especially for pregnant women and children. The procedure of Chest CT A CT machine is a tunnel-like machine where ...
CT scans provide detailed organ images, while PET scans reveal what's happening at the cellular level. Before the scan, you'll receive a small amount of a radioactive substance through injection usuallyFluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)into the patient's bloodstream. This substance helps the PET scanner mon...
Designing of a Biometric Fingerprint Scanner-Based, Secure, and Low-Cost Electronic Voting Machine for Indiadoi:10.20944/PREPRINTS202111.0177.V1Shubhranil ChakrabortyDebabrata BejDootam RoySekh Arif MahammadPreprints
Markets that have been changed by blue LEDs (Traffic Signal/Display/Scanner) To introduce a completely new technology to the world, it is said that there are three barriers to overcome. They are called the Devil River, Valley of Death, and Darwinian Sea. There are detailed explanations of ea...
The scanning of rectified casts, as explored in this paper, may be better suited to the current industry environment that is direct limb scanning. Because scanning is a non-destructive process, a scan of a rectified mould, acting as a backup, can be taken prior to its destruction during ...
Robot sensors have a large impact on the algorithm used in SLAM. In the last ten years, a large amount of research has been devoted to 2D laser range finders [7,8], 3D lidars [9,10] and vision sensors [11,12]. Recent research pay attention to many other alternatives that can be ...