"I was shot in the leg with a 12-gauge shotgun. That was the very first one that I got shot with. Back then I was looking for money to try to come up and I was car shopping and ripping and running the streets, stealing cars, like just doing dumb stuff. And karma caught...
12 Gauge Slug 8 38 Handmade Shell 18 17 HV Rocket 263 2 Rocket 169 2 40MM HE Grenade 23 14 Satchel Charge 126 3 Timed Explosive Charge 300+ 1 Frequently Asked Questions What happens to loot inside a Snowmobile when it’s destroyed? When destroyed, all fuel inserted into the fuel containe...
12 Gauge Slug7.256 Handmade Shell16.225 HV Rocket400+1 Rocket3122 40MM HE Grenade62.57 Satchel Charge400+1 Timed Explosive Charge400+1 Torpedo400+1 Storage Considerations Depending on the servers you play on, Rowboats can be incredibly easy to acquire or maybe fought over, much like airdrops....
Pros/Cons: A rate of 12 or 15% interest sounds crazy right? Well, if you’re growing your business at a fast rate like 40% per year, it might be totally acceptable, and cheaper than equity finance (because selling stock would be selling that 40%/yr growth to someone else). A major...
Through four major attempts (and a few minor ones), a couple of consistent themes have emerged: 1) I’m a bootstrapper by personality (I’ve never raised a dime), and 2) this causes me to have a relentless focus on profitability. The Profit 101 series distills my experience running ...
To characterise gunshots and to identify features to inform the basis of detection, we studied sound characteristics of gunshots from two different types of shotgun (12 and 16 gauge) fired at various distances along a transect in mature forest at Pook’s Hill Reserve. This set of ground-trut...