What is a Jacuzzi-Style Bathtub? Jacuzzi is a trademark for a brand of whirlpool products. The generic terms are whirlpool bath or whirlpool spa. They're all large containers of hot water that have jets, bubbles and often different colored lights and other accessories. The most popular are a...
such as jets, airbaths, lights for chromatherapy, and other high-end options. Brands like Jacuzzi, which pioneered many of today’s luxury tub styles, offer the most options, while companies like Kohler and American standard offer many of the same features, colors, and styles as their other...
The Altamar is part of Sundance's top of the line 8800 series with the most amount of jets and options. It's the same hot tub that's in the San Francisco Giants' locker room. If it's good enough for Giants players, it's good enough for me. If you're going to go through the ...