the high cost of a good meal. Synonyms:outlay,expenditure,expense,charge an outlay or expenditure of money, time, labor, trouble, etc.: What will the cost be to me? a sacrifice, loss, or penalty: to work at the cost of one's health. ...
1. expenses, spending, expenditure, overheads, outgoings, outlay, budget The company admits its costs are still too high. verb 1. sell at, come to, set (someone) back (informal), be priced at, command a price of The course is limited to 12 people and costs £50. 2. lose, deprive...
You’ve asked yourself, is it worth it? Can you afford it? When we start a new hobby or take a trip, we usually have to evaluate its price as well. So in these examples, is it the price or cost of our needs and wants that worries us? Are these words synonyms? Let’s take a...
Synonyms see: [1]price 2 [count] : an amount of money that must be spent regularly to pay for something (such as running a business or raising a family) The cost of doing business in this area is high. We need better cost control. The company needs to do some cost cutting. [...
Synonyms for Escalating cost in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Escalating cost. 1 word related to cost overrun: cost. What are synonyms for Escalating cost?
The meaning of COSTLY is commanding a high price especially because of intrinsic worth. How to use costly in a sentence.
Define borrowing cost. borrowing cost synonyms, borrowing cost pronunciation, borrowing cost translation, English dictionary definition of borrowing cost. Noun 1. borrowing cost - the cost of borrowing something cost - the total spent for goods or servic
Cost per lead synonyms Depending on the business talking about it, the context it’s discussed in, the ways it’s modified to suit specific goals, and the cost per lead, it can go by other names. Lead acquisition cost and price per lead are ways of saying the same thing. ...
Today I found on SQL Server that my job is running slow from as usual. When I tried to see execution plan , I found below output in which Remote Scan cost is 97%. How should I resolve it? All replies (2) Tuesday, February 27, 2018 9:53 AM Remote Scan is due to access a linke...
and True/False/Not Given. The candidates should thoroughly read theIELTS readingpassage to recognize the synonyms and identify the keywords and answer the questions below.IELTS reading practice paperscan be taken into consideration by the candidates in order to score a good score in the reading sect...