Cloud service providers offer application providers with virtually infinite storage and computing resources, while providing cost-efficiency and various other quality of service (QoS) properties through a storage-as-a-service (StaaS) approach. Organizations also use multi-cloud or hybrid solutions by com...
can be compensated by high values on other attributes. For the person looking for an apartment, the small size of an apartment might not lead to its elimination because it can be compensated by a low rent. Consumer research has used the theoretical concepts, the research methods, and the emp...
In the current paper, we articulate a theory to explain the phenomenology of mental effort. The theory provides a working definition of mental effort, expl
Before describing our MaxSAT formulations of correlation clustering, we review necessary basic concepts related to Maximum Satisfiability. 5.1. Syntax and semantics For a Boolean variable x, there are two literals, x and ¬x. A clause is a disjunction (∨, logical OR) of literals and a truth...
An operational definition of this hypothesis is provided by a feature evaluation formula based on concepts from test theory. CFS is an algorithm that combines this evaluation formula with an appropriate correlation measure and a heuristic search strategy to produce a heuristic search strategy. Hall [...
As the paper draws more on the idea of opinion dynamics models than on specific paradigms, only two models that are closely related to the idea of the sorted cost consensus proposed in this paper are presented here. (1) Bounded confidence model The bounded confidence (BC) model is one of ...
As the paper draws more on the idea of opinion dynamics models than on specific paradigms, only two models that are closely related to the idea of the sorted cost consensus proposed in this paper are presented here. (1) Bounded confidence model The bounded confidence (BC) model is one of ...
Section 3 introduces the preliminaries of the ML framework to be extended, including the basic concepts of a learning problem and the Laplacian operator of a graph. Section 4 develops the cost-sensitive semi-supervised learning framework for ship detention prediction and introduces the performance ...
Section 2 provides a survey of related literature with explanations of the basic concepts of ECG beat classification. Heartbeat classification methodology, including data description, pre-processing, segmentation, and illustration of the proposed deep model, and a cost-sensitive strategy are presented in...
This progress encompasses three aspects: models that incorporate complex algorithms, procedural frameworks and selection paradigms; evaluation theories that establish assumptions about values or preferences supported by well-structured representations; and assessment methodologies covering various aspects such as ...