In the vastness of time and the immensity of space, the number of worlds to explore and stories to tell are infinite. This boldest COSMOS yet is a thrilling, hope-filled voyage of exploration to lost worlds and worlds yet to come. You'll meet the searche
COSMOS: POSSIBLE WORLDS is a wonder-filled voyage through humanity’s past, present and future, transporting viewers to lost worlds and worlds yet to be revealed by science.
Right now you can watch Cosmos: Possible Worlds on Disney+. You are able to stream Cosmos: Possible Worlds by renting or purchasing on Vudu. Not available in your country? You might not be able to watch this content because of geo-blocking, but using a VPN can help. We recommend trying...
宇宙时空之旅:未知世界 Cosmos: Possible Worlds 第11集 被遗忘的祖先 全片播放 本集中文名: 被遗忘的祖先 本集原名: SHADOWS OF FORGOTTEN ANCESTORS 播放时间: 2020-04-13 星期一 (当地时间)剧情简介: 本集节目讲述恶魔在古代波斯诞生的过程,一只养在家里的宠物狗突然变成凶恶的怪兽,猕猴群中令人感动的...
宇宙时空之旅:未知世界 Cosmos: Possible Worlds 第10集 两个原子的故事 全片播放 本集中文名: 两个原子的故事 本集原名: A Tale of Two Atoms 播放时间: 2020-04-06 星期一 (当地时间)剧情简介: 两个来自宇宙不同区域的原子,在一颗小行星上相遇。科学和国家间致命的结合改变了世界的命运。一则警世...
Cosmos: Possible WorldsJackson, FrancinePlanetarian
《宇宙时空之旅:未知世界》(Cosmos:Possible Worlds) 在广阔无垠的时空中,有无数个尚待我们探索的世界,和等待我们诉说的故事。本季节目要带我们探索逝去和未来的世界。并带观众认识勇于探索这一切的人。 訂閱 豆瓣 9.5 5189 IMDb 9.0 7425 片源版本 Cosmos.Possible.Worlds.S01E01.REPACK.WEB.x264-CAFFEiNE 原创...
Cosmos: Possible Worlds: With Neil deGrasse Tyson, Seth MacFarlane, Sasha Sagan, Trang Vo. "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey" returns for a second season. Ann Druyan, original creative collaborator to Carl Sagan, serves as executive producer.
Cosmos: Possible Worlds: The Man Of A Trillion WorldsRelated Videos 0:30 Cosmos: Possible Worlds: We're Just At The Beginning Of Exploration Cosmos: Possible Worlds 24 1:35 Cosmos: Possible Worlds: The Early Philosophers Of Human Life The Fleeting Grace of the Habitable Zone 27 0:30 Cosmos...
天天资源网收录的纪录片《宇宙时空之旅:未知世界 Cosmos: Possible Worlds》,全部13集,英语发音,内置中英文字幕(可以下载后使用播放器选择字幕或者关闭字幕);资源总大小33.9G,单集播放时长约44分钟,1080P高清MKV视频格式,可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。