Useful for reading many documents with a particular id and partition key in a single request. If any document from the list is missing, no exception will be thrown. Java Copy List<CosmosItemIdentity> itemIdentityList = new ArrayList<>(); itemIdentityList.add(new CosmosItemIdentity(new ...
Measuring the RU charge of a requestIt is important to measure the RU charge of your requests to understand their actual cost and also evaluate the effectiveness of your optimizations. You can fetch this cost by using the Azure portal or inspecting the response sent back from Azure Cosmos DB ...
Once you've initialized aCosmosClient, you can interact with the primary resource types in Cosmos DB: Database: A Cosmos DB account can contain multiple databases. When you create a database, you specify the API you'd like to use when interacting with its documents: SQL, MongoDB, Gremlin,...
This is because when the trigger checks internally for changes in your Azure Cosmos DB container and finds no changes waiting to be read, the trigger sleeps for a configurable amount of time (5 seconds, by default) before it checks for new changes. It does this to avoid high request unit...
Azure Cosmos DB's point-in-time restore feature helps to recover data from an accidental write, delete operation, or to restore data into any region. Learn about pricing and current limitations.
Branding change from Azure DocumentDB to Azure Cosmos DB in the API Reference documentation, metadata information in assemblies, and the NuGet package. Expose diagnostic information and latency from the response of requests sent with direct connectivity mode. The property names are RequestDiagnosticsStrin...
Regardless, minimizing Request Charges is imperative when request size directly maps to financial charges, 429s, reduced throughput and a lowered scaling ceiling. Azure CosmosDB's ChangeFeed API intrinsically supports replays of all the events in a Store, whereas the DynamoDB Streams facility only...
the SSL handshake, which could add some latency in that initial request to that endpoint. You can customize this property to a very large value, e.g., 3 hours, which means, you can go 3 hours without hitting an endpoint before Azure Cosmos DB kills connectivity to that particular endpoint...
in particular when used in combination with a write-optimized database. Many of our microservices are mission critical components to our business. Cosmos DB gives us peace of mind with an aggressive 99.99% availability guarantee when deployed to a single region – which is further strengthened to...
“We are using the Cassandra API on Azure Cosmos DB for several mission-critical use cases. In particular, the geo-redundancy and dynamic scale of the solution are key advantages and we look forward to reaping more benefits in the future.” ...