假設您在 Azure Cosmos DB 中有下列文件: JSON複製 {"id":1,"name":"John Doe","email":"jdoe@contoso.com","phone": ["12345","67890"],"level":"gold"} 不同用戶端會跨不同區域同時發出修補檔作業: /level屬性Set為 platinum 從/phoneRemove67890 ...
在[專案總管] 中,瀏覽至 azure-cosmos-java-sample\src\com.microsoft.azure.cosmos.sample.dao\DocumentClientFactory.java,並將 HOST 和 MASTER_KEY 值換成您的 Azure Cosmos DB 帳戶的 URI 和 PRIMARY KEY,然後儲存檔案。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱步驟1。建立 Azure Cosmos DB 資料庫帳戶。 在[專案總管] 中,...
For replicating your data and throughput across multiple Azure regions, you can add and remove Azure regions to your account at any time. You can configure your account to have either a single region or multiple write regions. For more information, seeManage an Azure Cosmos DB account by using...
When you add or remove locations to an Azure Cosmos DB account, you can't simultaneously modify other properties. These operations must be done separately. To provision throughput at the database level and share across all containers, apply the throughput values to the database options property....
Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed NoSQL and relational database for modern app development. Start building applications with a free trial.
var db = await _client.Value.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(new DocDatabase { Id = databaseName }); return db.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created || db.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK; } protected async Task<bool> CreateDocumentCollectionAsync(string collectionName, string databaseName) {...
The provider will use internal API logic to add, modify or remove the document in the relevant collection, but you won’t see any particular logs about that action. However, after these actions complete, the logs will relay typical post-save steps such as the context updating the state of ...
使用MongoDB数据库自带的备份还原工具,您可以将Azure Cosmos DB API for MongoDB迁移至阿里云。 注意事项 该操作为全量迁移,为避免迁移前后数据不一致,迁移开始前请停止数据库写入。 如果您之前使用mongodump命令对数据库进行过备份操作,请将备份在dump文件夹下的文件移动至其他目录。确保默认的dump备份文件夹为空,否则...
With EF Core 6.0, I simply deleted the code to take advantage of the built-in handling of primitive types. This results in a document like this: Copy {"tags":["one","two","three"]} This results in a schema change that Azure Cosmos DB has no problem handling. The C# code, on ...
This is followed by messages about DetectChanges being called. The provider will use internal API logic to add, modify or remove the document in the relevant collection, but you won’t see any particular logs about that action. However, after these actions complete, the logs will relay typical...