Therefore, the minimum RU/Sec for the database is the number of collections multiplied by 100. Database-level throughput often seems more appropriate than collection-level throughput for migration scenarios, but you should consider that this setting cannot be modified after creation and,...
cosmosdb sql database throughput show--resource-group$resourceGroup--account-name$account--name$database--queryresource.throughput-otsv# Retrieve the minimum allowable database throughputminimumThroughput=$(az cosmosdb sql database throughput show--resource-group$resourceGroup--account-name$account...
cosmosdb mongodb database throughput show --account-name $account --resource-group $resourceGroup --name $database --query resource.autoscaleSettings.maxThroughput -o tsv # Throughput operations for MongoDB API collection # Read the current throughput # Read the minimum throughput # Make sure ...
Assuming you have 10 S1 collections, 1 GB of storage for each, in the US East region, and you migrate these 10 S1 collections to 10 single partition collections at 400 RU/sec (the minimum level). Your bill will look as follows if you keep the 10 single partition collections for a full...
Azure Cosmos DB reserved capacityoffers a minimum 20% discount on the provisioned throughput for resources such as databases or containers (tables, collections, and graphs). We are announcing the simplification of our reserved capacity tiers into the following options: ...
A minimum of 1,000 RU/s must be provisioned for autoscale provisioned throughput, which will scale hourly between 100 and 1,000 RU/s depending on usage. For more information, seedocumentationpage. Regional data distribution Azure Cosmos DB supports data replication across any or all Azure regi...
Last February, we lowered entry point for unlimited containers making them75% cheaper. We continue making improvements in our service and in December announced thatunlimited containers have now an entry point that is 60% cheaperthan before. Instead of provisioning 2,500 RU/sec as a minimum, you...
Cosmos is charging you based on how many RU/s your individual collection is provisioned at. This means that if you don't need to have one collection per entity because you won't use it that much, even on the minimum 400 RU/s, you will be charged money. That's where the magic of...
2017-01-19Lowered minimum throughput for partitioned collections to 2500 RU/s 2016-07-11Change feed 2015-12-16Partitioned collections 2015-08-06Upsert 2015-06-03Order By support 2015-04-08DocumentDB general availability (now part of Azure Cosmos DB) ...
2017-01-19Lowered minimum throughput for partitioned collections to 2500 RU/s 2016-07-11Change feed 2015-12-16Partitioned collections 2015-08-06Upsert 2015-06-03Order By support 2015-04-08DocumentDB general availability (now part of Azure Cosmos DB) ...