Explore short and medium-term Cosmos price prediction analysis and check long-term Cosmos forecasts for 2025, 2030, and beyond.
Cosmos price started in 2024 at $10.69. Today, Cosmos traded at $4.21, so the price decreased by -61% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Cosmos price at the end of 2024 is $4.87 - and the year to year change -54%. The rise from today to year-end: +16%. In the f...
2030 Cosmos Price Prediction 2035 Our price projection for ATOM is that it will trade between $113.60 and $122.30 by 2035 while maintaining the average price of $117.95. Our analysts see Cosmos becoming a key player in blockchain interoperability, driving this growth. ATOM Price Prediction for...
How much will be Cosmos Hub in 2030? Based on the findings from our latest experimental Cosmos Hub price prediction, ATOM could see a149.83% risein value, reaching $22.58 if the most positive scenario plays out in 2030. The price is expected to stay within a range of $22.58 and $7.21 ...