Cosmos: Created by Ann Druyan, Carl Sagan, Steven Soter. With Carl Sagan, Jaromír Hanzlík, Jonathan Fahn, Bob Hevelone. Astronomer Carl Sagan leads us on an engaging guided tour of the various elements and cosmological theories of the universe.
In 1977, Sagan began work on the television series "Cosmos: A Personal Voyage," serving as writer and presenter. The first show aired on the Public Broadcasting Service in October of 1980. Between new episodes and reruns, the show was the most widely watched series on U.S. public televisio...
Sagan's classic show, "Cosmos: A Personal Voyage," was first broadcast on PBS and it enjoyed a decade-long reign as the most watched series on public television in the United States. In 13 episodes, Carl Sagan guided viewers through the complexities and awe-inspiring wonders of the universe...
marking the first time that the Fox conglomerate has used the combined reach of two different networks to launch a series. Airing on 220 Nat Geo cable outlets and Fox-related networks around the world, episodes of Cosmos will reach more than half a billion homes ...
It became the “Welcome aboard” to a personal voyage on the ship of the imagination, one that nearly a billion people have taken, and still take, in great numbers, in virtually every language spoken on our “pale blue dot.” Ever since the fall of 1980, in both its manifestations, Co...
Despite what headlines said, Vallow assures that was always the plan: “There was an article about how the fan outrage prompted the writers to bring Brian back three weeks later – but our episodes are written, recorded and animated well over a year in advance,” she explains. “[Brian’s...
(much like an academic paper or, appropriately enough, a clock). The thing about this is, I’ve always felt the show starts to lose focus after a few episodes and than doesn’t actually manage to reclaim it until very near the end, and this, to me, has the uncomfortable consequence ...
Episodes Season 3 Ladder To The Stars + An adventure spanning billions of years into the evolution of life and consciousness. A visit to a 100,000-year-old laboratory. The story of the change in life-style that radically altered human existence and the life of the heretic who found god in...
All Episodes Church at Home by BibleProject At BibleProject, we want to come alongside small groups, churches, and home churches to help you continue to engage in Scripture with a Bible study newsletter sent weekly right to your inbox. To sign up for our Church at Home ...
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