FSC控制器结构如下: Way arbiter Way arbiter是用在当有多个way controller都要请求commonflash bus 和 access page buffer,因为是公用的,所以就要分配permission权限,算法如下: lastGrantedWay = 0 while (true) if (requestArrived) for (i = 0 to numberOfWays) nextCandidate = (lastGrantedWay + i) % nu...
这一次的缓存并没有命中,所以先把SDRAM里面的内容flush进SDRAM里面,因为请求并不满足一页,所以执行read-modify-write,此时lpn1作为新的page缓存,并不直接存进flash而是保留在SDRAM中 缓存依旧不命中,此时block1已经没有页面可用了,于是找到了下一个空闲block,先flush,然后更新page缓存,将lpn1的内容存入flash 接下来缓...
GPL-3.0 license Cosmos-plus-OpenSSD Cosmos OpenSSD + Hardware and Software source distribution The new address of the official homepage of the OpenSSD project isopenssd.dev. Releases No releases published Packages No packages published Contributors3...
As semiconductor technology has advanced, many storage systems have begun to use non-volatile memories as storage media. The organization and architecture of storage controllers have become more complex to meet various design requirements in terms of performance, response time, quality of service (QoS...
型号:cosmosplusopenssd 数量 1.0 技术参数 1.Cosmos OpenSSD FPGA开发板一块;2.PCIe连接器一条:3.1T flash两片 质保及售后服务 按行业标准提供服务 更多信息请点击 https://www.easyjcx.com/#/purchase/detail/f0735e17ee8f46ccae9513c2b9eb5348查看最新...
首先来看PrePmRead,其中最开始会涉及一个FlushPageBuf函数,FlushPageBuf里面有个FindFreePage函数,所以我们先分析FindFreePage函数的功能 lpn = hostCmd->reqInfo.CurSect / SECTOR_NUM_PER_PAGE; u32 dieNo = lpn % DIE_NUM; 这里传入一个dieNo参数 ...
Cosmos OpenSSD架构分析--HOST interface(未完) HOST interface overview 回到顶部 HOST interface overview