If you’re getting ready to travel to Las Vegas, be prepared before you arrive by downloading the Cosmoprof North America 2021 Show App, where you’ll find exhibitor lists, maps, conference schedules and more. It’s availa...
Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) is the leading business-to-business (B2B) beauty exhibition in the Americas. Recognized for its dynamic growth and unique pr. Cosmoprof North America 2025 is held in Miami FL, United States, from 1/21/2025 to 1/21/2025 in M
Cosmoprof North America 2025 1/21/2025 - 1/23/2025 Miami FL, United States Cosmoprof North America 2024 1/23/2024 - 1/25/2024 Miami FL, United States Cosmoprof North America 2022 7/12/2022 - 7/14/2022 Las Vegas NV, United States Cosmoprof North America 2021 8/29/2021 - 8/31/2021...
WeCosmoprof Internationalincorporates Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, Cosmoprof Asia, Cosmoprof North America, Cosmoprof India and Cosmoprof CBE Asean. Stakeholders from all continents will participate, starting withAsia, the market that first returned to a growth economy after...
-2021年9月16至18日回歸泰國IMPACT會展中心 香港2020年12月10日 /美通社/ -- 由Informa Markets、博洛尼亞展覽集團和中國美容博覽會(CBE)聯合舉辦的東南亞新猷Cosmoprof CBE東盟美容展首屆展會將於2021年9月16至18日重新登陸泰國IMPACT會展中心。 首屆Cosmoprof CBE東盟美容展將於2021年9月16至18日回歸泰國IMPACT國際展...
英富曼美容展系列的美业版图庞大,在发展迅猛的亚洲市场举办多场B2B 商贸展览会,足迹遍及区内逾11个城市,包括:曼谷、成都、胡志明市、香港、雅加达、吉隆坡、马尼拉、孟买、上海、深圳及东京。集团将进一步扩展势力,2021年于迈阿密举行全新的B2B活动,服务美国及东岸城市、南美洲与加勒比海地区。
2022 年北美美国拉斯维加斯国际美容美发美甲展览会Cosmoprof North America的举办场地:拉斯维加斯会议中心 (LVCC)3150 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, NV 89109, Las Vegas NV美国 主办单位:BolognaFiere Cosmoprof S.p.a. Via Cappuccini 2, 20122 Milano, Milan Italy 以前的日期:2021 年北美美容展 2021 年 8 ...
“I grew tired of the lack of quality products for my skin type,” said Stacey Pearl, an exhibitor at Cosmoprof North America in Las Vegas. “To be considered an expert, whether it’s hair or makeup, it doesn’t include having expertise or even general knowledge for melanated skin. So...
(withCosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, Cosmoprof North America, Cosmoprof India, andCosmoprof Asia). Recently the fifth exhibition of the network has been announced:Cosmoprof CBE ASEAN, in Thailand, will focus on the cosmetic industry in South-East Asia. In 2020, South China Beauty Expo, a new show...
(withCosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, Cosmoprof North America, Cosmoprof India, andCosmoprof Asia). Recently the fifth exhibition of the network has been announced:Cosmoprof CBE ASEAN, inThailand, will focus on the cosmetic industry inSouth-East Asia. In 2020, South China Beauty Expo...