the scientific study of the universe and its origin and development Word Origin Definitions on the go Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with theOxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryapp. Seecosmologyin the Oxford Advanced American DictionarySeecosmologyin the Oxford Lea...
Mathematically, dark energy appears as a new set of terms in the stress-energy tensor Tμν of Einstein’s field equations; the properties of the dark energy that must be specified in order to solve that equation are its energy density ε and its pressure p, and their dependence on the ...
If you make use of the ideas or software here, please cite that paper and provide a link to this repository: You are welcome to re-use the code, which is open source and available under terms consistent with our LICENSE (BSD 3-Clause). External ...
Within each level, there are specific terms, symbols, and what look like mathematical or physical representations. For example, at the “Microphysical” level, there is the symbol √c and the term “Qualitative-Autonomous”. At the “Relativistic-Cosmological” level, there is the expression “4d...
We propose a method for constructing the specific heat for the universe by following standard definitions of classical thermodynamics, in a spatially flat homogeneous and isotropic spacetime. We use cosmography to represent the specific heat in terms of measurable quantities, and show that a negative ...
Finally, the paper points out that the translation of spatial and geometrical relations into temporal terms and vice-versa may suggest a new indexical approach to the study of cosmology in relation to the...
where |smax| is the maximum absolute value of the eigenvalues admitted by the PDE and I is the identity matrix. The matrix M~ is a Roe matrix that allows to write the jumps in the conserved variables in terms of the jump in the primitive variables, i.e. qh+−qh−=Q(vh+)−...
EXPLAINING ZZSTRUCTURE IN MORE CONVENTIONAL TERMS Unfortunately, few people find the previous explanation (deconstructed spreadsheet) satisfying. Many people would rather ignore the previous explanation, thinking they can translate ZigZag into more familiar or conventional terms. Here madness lies, because ...
According to the terms of scholastic realism, then, identification must fail: it cannot grasp the essential reality of this being. At best any relation between signifier and signified will be arbitrary. At worst, being cannot be designated as this, that, or any other particular thing. Hence, ...
Mullis, so not your typical YouTube fare.[/QUOTE] But if they talk in qualitative rather than quantitative terms, that is not appropriate hear. Scientists often talk about their work in a manner in which lay people can understand, and that does not involve rigorous scientific or mathemati...