例如,在天文学中,它用来描述“cosmic microwave background”(宇宙微波背景辐射),这是宇宙大爆炸后遗留下来的热辐射,是研究宇宙早期历史的重要线索。此外,cosmic 还常被用来形容那些具有宇宙级规模或影响的事物,如“cosmic inflation”(宇宙暴胀)理论。 在日常语境中,cosmic 也常被用...
例如,在天文学中,'cosmic rays'(宇宙射线)指的是来自宇宙空间的高能粒子流,它们对地球大气层、生物圈以及人类活动都产生着重要影响。在物理学中,'cosmic microwave background'(宇宙微波背景辐射)是宇宙大爆炸后遗留下来的热辐射,是研究宇宙早期历史的重要线索。 此外,'cosmic'还常被用来形容那些...
The most distant light source that can be observed is the cosmic microwave background. Its cosmological significance is outlined in Sect. 9.1. As in the case of cosmic shear, the lensed power spectrum is the key quantity of interest. However, shear is ill-defined when the background source ...
cosmic microwave backgroundearly universelarge-scale structure of universecosmic stringsIf current ideas about unified field theories are correct, macroscopic cosmic defects may well exist. The observation of such an entity would have enormous significance for our understanding of fundamental physics. This...
UCSB south pole 1994 cosmic microwave background anisotropy measurement constraints on open and flat-lambda cold dark matter cosmogonies. Ganga K,Ratra B,Gunderson J O, et al. The Astrophysical Journal . 1997Ganga, K, Ratra, B, Gundersen, J, Sugyiama, N (1997) ApJ 484: pp. 7...
The meaning of COSMIC is of or relating to the cosmos, the extraterrestrial vastness, or the universe in contrast to the earth alone. How to use cosmic in a sentence.
First, the team used what’s called the cosmic microwave background. The cosmic microwave background, or CMB, is composed of photons emitted just after the Big Bang. These photons provide a snapshot of the very early universe. As the photons travel to our telescopes, their path can become...
<italic>Context</italic>. Based on recent observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), claims of statistical anomalies in the properties of the CMB fluctuations have been made. Although the statistical significance of the anomalies remains only
The amplitude of the tensor mode anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background fixes the energy scale of inflation to approximately Λinf∼V1/4∼3.3×1016r1/4 [106]. By applying the Planck 2σ bounds on the tensor-to-scalar ratio r, we derive an upper limit on the inflation scale, ...
David Wilkinson 1998 机译:讨论会论文:微波背景各向异性:观察 7. Seven-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP 1) Observations: Are There Cosmic Microwave Background Anomalies? [O] . 2014 机译:七年威尔金森微波各向异性探测器(Wmap 1)观测:是否存在宇宙微波背景异常?获取...