The story begins four years ago when Schwadron and colleagues first sounded the alarm about cosmic rays. Analyzing data from the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) instrument onboard NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), they found that cosmic rays in the Earth-Moo...
The active nucleus of the galaxy is also a source of X-rays and presumably houses a supermassive black hole. [Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO.] X-ray emission was first detected from the quasar 3 C273 by early rocket and balloon flights. Three additional AGN were detected by Uhuru, and many more...
rays复— 射线复 · 光线复 · 光芒复 ray名— 光名 · x光名 · 曙光名 · 伞辐名 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) We are constantly being bombarded by speedy, energetic, and yet unassuming, particles calledcosmic rays. ...
"The charged particles producing the X-rays travel along the magnetic field, determining the basic shape of the nebula, like the bones do in a person's hand." An X-ray image and infrared data show the "ghostly cosmic hand." NASA Researchers said that in the nebula, there is a ...
(Image credit: NASA/Swift/Cruz deWilde) Astronomers have cataloged a stunning treasure trove of over 500 of the universe's most powerful explosions. These so-called gamma-ray bursts, or GRBs, are so energetic that if just one of them were to occur within 1,000 light-years of Earth,...
high-energy gamma rays than average seem to be arriving. In this view, the plane of our galaxy runs across the middle of the map. The circles enclose regions with a 68% (inner) and a 95% chance of containing the origin of these gamma rays. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center...
have for the first time traced gamma rays, the most energetic form of light, to galaxies undergoing a frenzy of star birth. the finding, which has revealed a new class of galactic gamma-ray sources, is not unexpected. but it provides new hints about the origin of many cosmic rays ,...
The lack of observed gamma rays from a recent supernova has cast doubt on the generally-accepted idea that exploding stars are a major source of cosmic rays. The observation was made using NASA’sFermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Cosmic rays are high-energy charged particles (mostly protons) ...
A cosmic ray hit on a camera appears as a segmented line in the image. Credit: NASA/Don Pettit.. During the Apollo missions, astronauts saw these flashes after their eyes had become dark-adapted. When it was dark, they reported a flash every 2.9 minutes on average. Only one Apollo crew...
Eerie audio is what a black hole sounds like, NASA says Typically, gamma-ray bursts, the powerful jets of X-rays released as massive stars collapse, explain the brightest flashes in the night sky. “Gamma-ray bursts are the usual suspects for events like this,” said the Nature Astronomy ...