The terms plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery are often used interchangeably. Although both disciplines of medical science aim at improving a person’s body, they are different from each other in many aspects.
以为Plastic Surgery和Cosmetic Surgery都一样?虽然在医美整容行业里常被混用Plastic Surgery与Cosmetic Surgery但两者性质不太一样,而前者需要更高的医学专业资历。全球第一家整容医疗专业独立认证非盈利协会是美国的American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS),而要成功得到ABPS的认证并成为协会成员的全科整容医生基本要具...
lanseyyu Junior 7 后者,托福的听力段子里曾经听过 禁言|2楼2010-03-29 21:39 回复 抚顺老妖 Pupil 1 我听人是用后者 禁言|3楼2010-03-29 21:46 回复 介壽路兒 Pupil 1 cosmetic surgery是整容手术后者是整形手术,范围更广 禁言|4楼2010-03-29 21:51 回复 ...
①plastic surgery “plastic surgery”这个词组是医院整容中最常见的一种表达方式,它的中文是指通过手术改变外貌的医疗行为。注意了这个词中的“plastic”实际上是源自希腊语单词“plastikos”,意为塑形的或可塑的。 ②cosmetic surgery...
If you find a surgeon who’s certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery or the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, it’s an indication that they have the necessary training to perform your procedure. Besides, you’ll also need to consider theexperience of the surgeon. Check to see ...
Cosmetic surgery has slowly become an established part of modern society. You can get lunchtime Botox and many of us travel overseas just to secure cheaper prices for must-have surgeries. So, with both men and women on board to create the best version of themselves, what is the most popular...
plastic surgery 是指通过外科手术来改变外貌,可能是因为先天的缺陷或事故受了伤,属于一种医疗补救手段,cosmetic surgery没有此意
UK Aesthetics is the leader in plastic surgery in Manchester. Our experienced surgeons help those seeking cosmetic surgery in Manchester achieve their desired results.
一个是美容手术,一个是整形手术 像紧致皮肤之类的就是美容 因为不涉及动刀子 plastic的话就是整形了 垫鼻子削骨之类的。
A substantial quantity of cosmetic surgeons decide to concentrate their exercise on plastic surgery, and therefore, the conditions tend to be used. But this is technically incorrect. 1.Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Have Different desire Although both plasti