TestingeverywhereformarketsanywhereDefinitionofMucousMembranes粘膜的定义 inthevicinityoftheeyes,onthelips,intheoralcavityortheexternalgenitalorgans,anddoesnotincludedanycosmeticproductwhichisintendedtocomeintoonlybriefcontactwiththeskin.指眼睛、嘴唇、口腔或外生殖器官的附近部位,但不包括短暂接触皮肤的化妆品Testing...
European economic area (EEA), including 27 member states of the EU and Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland. Definition of Cosmetic Product Any substance or mixture intended to be placed in contact with the external parts of the human body (epidermis, hair system, nails, lips and external genital ...
The definition of cosmetics in ASEAN is generally consistent with the definition of cosmetics in the EU. All ASEAN countries follow the ASEAN Cosmetic Directive (ACD), which is based on Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009/EC. Information on the ACD can be found on the ASEAN official website (http...
The outcome was that regulatory measures specifically focused on nanomaterials used in cosmetic products were included in the resulting legal text (Regulation 1223/2009/EC): (1) Definition of a nanomaterial (2) Product Notification: Indication of presence of nanomaterials (3) Notification of certain ...
Product ingredients; Shelf life; The code of manufacture license and product standard; The code of hygiene license or record-keeping certificate; Safety statement and guidance on uses;In case of imported cosmetics, country of origin and the name and address of the distributor in China shall also...
Definition Regulated substances Notification Product Information File and safety assessment 3. Main National Specificities Within ASEAN 4. Evolution of the Directive and Inspiration from the EU *The final outline may be subjected to subtle revision ...
However, these products may also meet the definition of medicinal products 'by virtue of function', whereby the product is used or administered with a view 'to restoring, correcting, or modifying physiological functions by exerting a pharmacological, immunological, or metabolic action, or to making...
and sometimes the quality of the product does not meet the consumer expectations. The revenue generated by the mass-market products is high, and their demand is highly dependent on the quality of the cosmetic pigment used. Thus, the manufacturers of the cosmetic pigment must ensure that the hig...
In New Zealand, the definition of PFAS includes any substance that contains at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom, except for gases and substances that contain only fully fluorinated carbon and hydrogen atoms. This definition underscores the country’s stringent approach to managing t...
Natural and environmental friendly cosmetic business should be prioritized. With the rise in multifunctional cosmetic product, the definition of cosmetics should also focus on multifunctional use and their secondary therapeutic claims. Also GMP must be updated with reference to reuse, reduce and recycle ...