tl;dr: pytorch的torch.optim.lr_scheduler.OneCycleLR就很不错,能兼顾warmup和余弦学习率,也不用下载额外的包 importtorchfromtorch.optim.lr_schedulerimportCosineAnnealingLR, CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsimportmatplotlib.pyplotaspltfromtimmimportschedulerastimm_schedulerfromtimm.scheduler.schedulerimportSchedulerastimm...
Describe the bug It's unclear if this is a bug, an intentional design decision, or part of a design trade-off I don't fully understand. Let me explain with an example. I'm using the cosine LR scheduler and my script uses a warm up LR (1e-5), number of warm up epochs (20), ...
可以用,Adam的自适应,相当于是LR乘一个由该参数计算得出的自适应系数来得到的动态学习率 2023-03-31 回复喜欢 fright timm.schedulers没有? 2022-04-28 回复喜欢 海斌 作者 import timmimport timm.optimimport timm.scheduler前面得加上 2022-05-09 回复喜欢 推荐阅读 深度学习第52讲...