COSCO tracking vessel Asia/Mediterranean ServicesCOSCO Mediterranean sailing schedule MD1 services Port Rotation: Pusan Qingdao Shanghai Ningbo Hong Kong Yantian Nansha Singapore Piraeus La Spezia Genoa Barcelona Valencia Piraues Singapore Cai Mep Hong Kong Shanghai Pusan Highlight services: 1. Capacity: ...
to the contract, the first vessel will undergo renovation in mid-2025. The implementation of this project not only provides a feasible way for the Company to promote green and low-carbon transformation of its fleet, but also enables it to extend the operating life of existing fleet and ...
无论是大宗货,还是小宗货 无论是件杂货,还是集装箱货 无论是精包装货,还是无包装货 无论是出口货,还是回程货 中远海运特运都会视若珍宝 使命必达,特别为您!
Below saliling schedule are COSCO shipping container lines shipping from China to AmericanTRANSPACIFIC SERVICES|Asia/USEC & Gulf of Mexico & Central America services|COSCO container lines americas incAWE1 Service:COSCO shipping container lines sailing schedule Port Rotation:Ningbo-Shanghai-Busan-New ...
We are writing to inform you that the schedule of below vessel will be changed by the ship operator due to port congestion. As confirmed by the ship operator, CY Receiving/ Cutoff have been revised and the latest schedule is updated as below: Vessel Name: COSCO OCEANIA Voyage No: 037W ...
We are writing to inform you that the schedule of below vessel will be changed by the ship operator due to previous port delay and port congestion. As confirmed by the ship operator, CY Receiving/ Cutoff have been revised and the latest schedule is updated as below: Vessel Name: COSCO NI...
Australian Services | COSCO container tracking-JKN services Port Rotation: Tokyo-Kobe-Busan-Shanghai-Yantian-Hong kong-Brisbane-Auckland-Lyttelton-Napier-Tauranga-Tokyo Highlight services: 1. Ship Capactiy: 6*3500-4200 TEU; 2. Reliable schedule; 3. Reliable dedicated services among Japan , Shanghai...
The ship’s operational schedule is planned as follows: 28 July -ETB Rotterdam Delta Terminal to discharge local imports and transshipments via this port 02 August -ETB Rotterdam Euromax Terminal to discharge cargoes to/via Hamburg, then transshipped by EVER UTILE 0014-164E ...
The average delay forCOSCOvessels as measured by comparing each vessel’s actual arrival time to its schedule +6.95 Average Delay[as onFeb 28 - 2025] No. of days delayed by 4.033.544.555.56872 LJan 30 - 2025Feb 13 - 2025Feb 27 - 2025in the week of ...
The OCEAN Alliance will provide 7 North Europe direct services, including 4 upgraded loops. With an emphasis on the “green shipping and low-carbon” principle, we will optimize port rotation and vessel deployment to increase the vessel energy efficiency and the schedule reliability of its services...