我们拥有全球领先的集装箱航运船队。服务网络覆盖全球,航线永远通畅! 145 国家/地区 629 港口 429 航线 538 船舶 便捷 可靠 安全 标准化航运作业 门到门 全程运输解决方案 航线 跨太平洋航线 欧洲航线 欧地支线 跨大西洋航线 亚太航线 拉非航线 东南亚及南亚航线 ...
了解我们 关于我们 企业社会责任 大事记 公司荣誉 帮助中心 常见问题 业务指南与下载 联系我们 全球机构 在线客服 人员招聘 正在招聘 简历投递 相关链接 中国远洋海运集团有限公司 EBusiness 电子商务平台 中国地区客服热线 4009 601919 关注我们的微信公众号 进入电子商务平台 进口博览会订舱平台 使用...
We are taking proactive measures to coordinate with marine terminals and rail operators in order to manage vessel arrivals, anchorage assignments and inland cargo operations. For the equipments, we have opened a new depot in Toronto to accommodate empty storage as needed. COSCO SHIPPING Lines is co...
COSCO SHIPPING Lines (Canada) Inc. was officially established in 2016 in Canada as the merged entity of China Shipping (Canada) Ltd. Co. and China Ocean Shipping (Canada) Inc. who has been operating in the Canadian market since 1989. Consequently, our team of dedicated staff has accumulated...
COSCO SHIPPING Lines seized the precious opportunity of the global economic high-speed recovery and the container shipping business transformation and upgrading, strengthened the reform and reorganization and focused on improving quality and efficiency, which has achieved good economic and social benefits. ...
Cosco Shipping Lines Vietnam - Announcement 2020-04-01 Company Profile As COSCON's world-class vessels, global shipping network and sales and service network with its local experience in the respective regional market of the world will be able to of...
Below are all vessl schedules shipping from China to Canada by COSCO container lines.Asia/U.S. Northwest Coast Services | COSCO container tracking vessel schedules-HPNW Service, Port Rotation: Ningbo Shanghai Busan Prince Rupert Seattle Vancouver Busan Kwang Yang Ningbo. Highlight services: 1. ...
中远海运集运客服公共邮箱 COSCO SHIPPING Lines Customer Service Email 地区/国家 总部 大连 天津 青岛 上海 宁波 武汉 Region/Country Headquarter Dalian Tianjin Qingdao Shanghai Ningbo Wuhan 邮件Email cs.hq@coscon.com cs.dalian@coscon.com cs.tianjin@coscon.com cs.qingdao@coscon.com cs.shanghai@coscon....
About COSCO Shipping Lines COSCO Shipping Lines is a state-owned enterprise focusing on maritime transport and logistics services within the shipping industry. The company offers container shipping services and manages a fleet to facilitate global trade. It primarily serves sectors that require maritime ...
一、生效时间 非美线外贸出口THC自2021年4月10日起(北京时间)执行新标准,以开航日期为准;美线外贸出口THC自FMC登记报备生效日起执行新标准,具体另行通知。 二、调整后费(币种:人民币): 中远海运集装箱运输有限公司 2021年3月26日 Notice COSCO SHIPPING LINES will Reduce its export THC tariffs for foreign ...