Italian noun phraseCo·sa Nos·tra ˈkō-sä-ˈnō-strä : our thing : the Sicilian Mafia Dictionary Entries Near Cosa Nostra cosalite Cosa Nostra cosaque See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry Style “Cosa Nostra.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, ...
Cosa Nostra Thesaurus Legal Encyclopedia Wikipedia Co·sa Nos·tra (kō′sə nō′strə) n. The Mafia operating in the United States. [Italian,our concern:cosa,thing, affair+nostra, feminine ofnostro,our.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright ...
Rome— Italian authorities arrested Italy's most-wanted fugitive on Monday, taking mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro into custody after a 30-year manhunt. Messina Denaro's arrest brings to a close the era of the "Cosa Nostra" Sicilian crime syndicate depicted in "The Godfather" movies. The 60...
1960–65; < Italian: literally, our affairDiscover More Example Sentences Sicily's Cosa Nostra has even started working with other gangs, including the notorious and far larger 'Ndrangheta in mainland Italy. From BBC They also found that Sicily's Cosa Nostra mafia have updated the practices of...
作者:John Dickie(约翰·迪基) 著 出版社:Hodder 出版时间:2007-03-00 开本:其他 印刷时间:0000-00-00 页数:528 ISBN:9780340935262 ,购买Cosa Nostra: A History of the Sicilian Mafia[咱们的行当: 黑手党内幕]等外文旧书相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网
Italian MafiaCosa NostraSicilian MafiaA excursion in the internal laws of the Italian Mafia "Cosa Nostra" that regulates the role played by women in this organization.Pizzini Gambetta,ValeriaLettre Internationale - Romanian Edition
As the twenty-first century dawned, the Cosa Nostra was imperiled as never before. Agli albori del ventunesimo secolo, Cosa Nostra si trovava in pericolo come mai in precedenza. Literature They appear to have connections with the Russian mafia, Serbian mafia, and the Italian Cosa Nostra....
The Cosa Nostra Cap was added to the game.TriviaCosa Nostra is an Italian term that translates in English as "our thing." In both languages, it is used as a euphemism for referring to the Sicilian Mafia.[collapse] v • d • e Über Update Bold items are part of item sets. ...
Don't worry, Mafia: The Old Country's missing Italian voice acting isn't a weird oversight, 2K's going full Sicilian for extra Cosa Nostra authenticity Mafia: The Old Countrydoesn't have Italian voice acting, but 2K's now revealed the reason behind what initially looked to be a rather ...
Cosa Nostra, according to FBI documents and Peter Pasta himself. But before all that he appeared on an episode of Kitchen Nightmares in which he acted very much like the mobster he allegedly was trying to become around the time of filming. (See Peter's Italian Restaurant menu here .) Back...