顶级的Corvette 3LT在升级的Nappa皮革中增加了运动型GT2座椅,并在机舱内增加了更多皮革和仿麂皮。Z51 Performance Package具有所有变体,非常值得拥有。 其他选装件包括前端举升系统,可避免刮擦或刮擦更糟的唇部扰流器,电磁行驶控制悬架,外加一系列外部油漆颜色,赛车条纹,车轮选择,甚至还有不同颜色的制动钳和安全带。...
The 2025 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray mid-engine sports car stocked with a naturally aspirated V8 engine and innovative driver technology.
2021 Corvette Stingray Convertible 1LT Z51 此外,C8的外观和内饰是完完全全碾压C7的。虽然C7的外观已...
The Stingray convertible features a power-retractable roof that flows seamlessly into the body design. All eyes on you Newly redesigned for 2025, the Z51 spoiler turns heads while you turn corners. Wheels and seats With multiple eye-catching leather seat designs to choose from and a variety of...
我在旧款S-10皮卡的引擎盖下贴上了'85 Corvette动力传动系统。从我父亲的'86轿跑车出院回家那天起,Corvette就是我生活的一部分。Corvette阵容中有很多种,但是,和大多数情况一样,最佳位置是中间位置。我最喜欢的两个版本是Stingray Z51和Grand Sport Z07。Z06和ZR1是出色的,令人难以置信的快速和有能力的机器...
2020 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Z51 VEHICLE TYPEmid-engine, rear-wheel-drive, 2-passenger, 2-door targa PRICE AS TESTED$88,310 (base price: $64,995) ENGINE TYPEpushrod 16-valve V-8, aluminum block and heads, direct fuel injection Displacement 376 cu in, 6162 ccPower 495 hp @ 6450 rp...
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Chevrolet has confirmed that the 2020 Corvette Stingray with the track-capable Z51 Performance package will reach a top speed of 184 mph, down from the 194 mph officially recorded by the base C8. The Z51 package adds a front splitter and rear deck spoiler that Chevrolet claims add a tota...
2020款雪佛兰 Corvette Stingray Z51 赛道初体验 雪佛兰第八代Corvette自开售以来一直备受北美车迷热捧,一月份北美媒体评选团投票选出她为「2020北美年度车」,即便通用把她的年产量调整至相当于法拉利年产量的四倍之多,依然一车难求 大家都觉得她很香,但北美车主TJHunt在驾驶4,000英里(6,437公里)后总算在鸡蛋中...