Define cortical. cortical synonyms, cortical pronunciation, cortical translation, English dictionary definition of cortical. adj. 1. Of, relating to, derived from, or consisting of cortex. 2. Of, relating to, associated with, or depending on the cerebral
that a person has of his or her own body as an object in space independent and apart from other objects. The body image develops during infancy and childhood from exploration of the body surface and orifices, from development of physical abilities, and from play and comparison of the self wi...
The rabbit collecting tubule originates near the surface of the kidney, descends through the cortex within the medullary rays and traverses the outer medulla as an unbranched structure. The cortical collecting tubule (CCT) receives the contents of an average of 6 nephrons [1]. The fusion of ...
Reconstructing cortical surfaces from structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a prerequisite for surface-based functional and anatomical image analy
Cortical surface-based analysis. II: Inflation, flattening, and a surface-based coordinate system. Synaptic Activity and the Construction of Cortical Circuits Dynamic Mapping of Human Cortical Development during Childhood through Early Adulthood Reciprocal limbic-cortical function and negative mood: converging...
lower layer 2/3 (~ 266 μm from the brain surface) of lateral visual cortex (n = 8 mice, two-tailed unpaired t-test, stimulus: P = 0.89, reactivation: P = 0.13). f, Change in mean location (centroid, estimated using each stimulus-driven neuron’s activity during ...
This study addresses the importance, procedures and results of experimental measurement of surface properties of brain tissues under normal and frictional contact. Load and friction response is studied in coronal slices of LE/Blu Gill rats; the scope of this study encompasses the white and gray matt...
Changes in the adrenal cortex of the rat were studied by stereologic and autoradiographic techniques during the early phases of regeneration. The adrenal cortex was enucleated on the left side, the right kidney and adrenal gland were removed, and rats were given 1% sodium chloride as drinking so...
(anatomy) Pertaining to the outer layer of an internal organ or body structure, such as the kidney or the brain. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-克罗地亚文字典 korast Englesko-hrvatski-rjecnik vanjski Englesko-hrvatski-rjecnik koji se tiče kore Englesko-hrvatski-rjecnik 不太频繁的翻译...
The medulla is deep to the vortex of the kidney. True False (If false, correct the statement to make it true.) The autonomic nervous system is composed of ganglia in the central nervous system and ganglia in the periphery. Is the statement true or false?