The meaning of CORTICAL is of, relating to, or consisting of cortex. How to use cortical in a sentence.
The meaning of CORTICAL RHYTHM is the apparently inherent rhythmic electrical oscillations taking place in the brain in the absence of evident external stimulation.
The patient does not know the meaning or relationships of the words being used. What comes out is word salad—a group of incomprehensible words. Since the affected area of the brain is near the visual pathway, there is often a reduction in the right visual field. In Broca's aphasia, the...
We test these claims in a functional magnetic resonance imaging study using homophones—words which function grammatically as nouns or verbs but have the same form and meaning—ensuring that any neural differences reflect differences in grammatical function. Words were presented as single ste...
Older adults frequently report that they can hear what they have been told but cannot understand the meaning. This is particularly true in noisy conditions, where the additional challenge of suppressing irrelevant noise (i.e. a competing talker) adds another layer of difficulty to their speech und...
“mapped” in the same manner. This type of application of TMS might provide a method for noninvasive, systematic assessment of cortical function in the presurgical planning ofneurosurgical procedures. The advantage of TMS over other brain mapping methods, particularly currentfunctional imagingmethods,...
Evolutionary adaptation to specific environmental niches and neuroplasticity of the cerebral cortex cause individual cortical areas to become more attuned to specific types of sensory processing49,50. In extant species, this adaptation was successful and resulted in increases in overall body and brain siz...
[C19: from New Latin, from a-1 + Greek lexis speech; influenced in meaning by Latin legere to read] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 a•lex•i•a (ə...
Thus, no significant differences were found in the spatial distribution of brain areas involved in semantic processing between fluent and dyslexic readers. However, both timing and strength of activation clearly differed between the two groups. First, activation sensitivity to word meaning within a ...
The meaning of RUBROCORTICAL is connecting or relating to the red nucleus and the cortex of the brain.