This unit demonstrates an increased firing frequency with the instruction to move hands apart/together; (c) Spike rates for two units recorded simultaneously during the performance of movement of the on screen neural cursor. The unit recorded in channel 1 demonstrates increased firing with the cue ...
Toward a theory of cognitive aptitude for learning from instruction. J. Ed. Psych. 76, 347–376 (1984). 8. Christoff, K. et al. Rostrolateral prefrontal cortex involvement in relational integration during reasoning. Neuroimage 14, 1136–1149 (2001). 9. Prabhakaran, V., Narayanan, K., ...
1a). At the end of the delay period, a go cue (green LED, 0.2 s in duration) signaled the beginning of a response window and both the left and right water spouts moved together and were made available to mice. The separation of the sensory instruction and the behavioral response in...
At the same time, the controller modulates the signal to obtain clock signals and control instruction information. The controller converts the multi-channel neural signal data into the driving current, drives the IR signal of a specific frequency, and transmits data to the outside. In addition...
For low molecular weight proteins like TDP-43, 15% separation gels were used according to the manufacturer’s instruction. 20–40 μg proteins with sample loading buffer were denatured and loaded on the gel. Proteins were separated and after blotted onto a PVDF membrane. To detect proteins ...
But such mechanisms provide only course instruction of map topology; at later stages in development, patterns of retinal activity are required to achieve the finely tuned precision that is characteristic of the mature map. The precise role of molecular recognition mechanisms in the formation of other...
2d). Interestingly, when estimating the spatial correlations at the system level, we found that direct WM connections within the heteromodal area, especially within and between the FP and DM networks, showed strong associations with the maturation of CT (Fig. 2e)....
ATP levels were determined using an ATP Bioluminescence Assay Kit (Roche) following the manufacturer’s instruction38,39. Briefly, cells were harvested using the provided lysis buffer, incubated on ice for 15 minutes and centrifuged at 13,000 g for 10 minutes. ATP levels were measured ...
Transfection. Cultured cortical neurons were transfected at 2 DIV with Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen) according to the manufacture's instruction and analysed between 3 and 6 DIV. Transfection efficiency for HA- and GFP-tagged protein ranged between 15 and 25%. Western Blot and Immunoprecipitation...
Humans can precisely control the timing of their movements and can make rapid adjustments based on instruction. However, the mechanisms that confer such flexibility are not well understood. We investigated the neural mechanisms underlying flexible temporal control. We developed a task in which monkeys ...